Meet @jemchale1, The Dazzling Twister

Well we’re here again.  Another opportunity for me to recognize and introduce you to a member of my staff.  Today it’s one of my classroom teachers!  It’s 4th grade teacher Jessica McHale, also known as The Dazzling Twister.

I still remember when Jessica came in to interview for her position.  She had never taught elementary before and had been primarily in a theatre arts classroom at the Jr. High.  From the moment I met her I loved her enthusiasm but most of all as soon as she started talking I could sense a deep love for children.
I’ve had the extreme pleasure of watching Jessica grow into an exceptional classroom teachers.  I’ve watched her struggle with her doubts of her abilities as most new teachers do, but I have watched her bloom.  
Her students absolutely love her.  They laugh, they sing, they hug, they dance, they act.  When you walk into Jessica’s room you feel like you’ve just walked into someone’s home.  A home full of love.
Jessica is someone that is full of personality.  She acts in our local theatre production company on the side.  In fact, Jessica has 3 or 4 side jobs in addition to her teaching.  
Jessica is compassionate, intelligent, a problem solver, and someone who gives all of themselves for kids.
I also love how during the summer months I was encouraging my staff to get on Twitter and connect with others and share our story here at Navasota Intermediate.  Jessica was one of the teachers who told me right away she didn’t “get it”.  Now I can say that Jessica is our teacher who tweets the most at our campus.  She is sharing the amazing things her students are doing almost every day and she is connecting with others!  She even took it upon herself to email an author of the book her class was reading (The Lemonade War) and the author emailed back and answered all her students questions!!
I try to be in classes all the time, but I know if I miss something incredible in Jessica’s class that she’ll tweet about it and I can still experience it in a sense.  
So today, I want to introduce you to Jessica.  Tweet her, follow her, and get to know another member of my incredible family that I could not do without.  

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