Learning Through Conversations

I’ve had the awesome experience of traveling to Long Beach, California this week to attend NAESP (National Association of Elementary School Principals). #NAESP15

I love traveling and attending different conferences.  Not necessarily for the sessions, but more so for the connections.

This week especially I was reminded of the importance of having those conversations with others.

So many of us attend different PD and learning opportunities and we sit there and listen to the presenter/trainer and then we leave.  Hopefully taking back a few new tools to try on our campus or in our classroom.

But for me this week was a glaring reminder at just how important (if not more important) the conversations are.

I’ve been able to talk with administrators from all over the country and just sit and share stories, philosophies, ideas, and more.

And what makes this even greater is the fact that I had already begun these conversations before I even got here.  Through Twitter, Google Hangouts, Voxer, Facebook, and more I feel like I already “knew” these people.

And what’s better?  They’re my kind of people.  People who are passionate and seek to do what’s best for kids.  People who are pushing the status quo and stepping outside of their comfort zones.

So I challenge you.  Step outside of your comfort zone.  Reach out to those in your field.  Because we truly learn more when we invest in the conversations and put ourselves out there.  It’s time we shared more and worked together.  Begin today!

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