A New Chapter Begins…
There is no reward without some risk involved and nothing easy is ever worth having. I completely believe that.
As you may have read in my recent posts, I took a new position in a new district. Yesterday was my last day ever as a classroom teacher, and today I said goodbye to all my co-workers.
I have taught for 7 years. All 7 of those years have been at Fields Store Elementary in Waller, TX. I’ve worked with the most amazing people.
Trying to put into words what I’m feeling, is difficult. I cried yesterday saying goodbye to my kids. I tear up every year because I get so attached to my 75 kiddos. But this year I didn’t just tear up, I cried. I have loved being a classroom teacher, and knowing this was the last group of kiddos I’d have as a classroom teacher made it all that more meaningful. I hugged each one of them, I told them I believed they were gonna change the world, and I sent them off to do just that. And I can guarantee you one thing, my students WILL change the world.
One story I have to share is this one….I always wonder if I’m leaving an impact. If the words I say, the actions I take, the things I do, will they matter in the long run in someone’s life? Did I truly do more with that child then just teach them my subject area? Today, was proof of something. As I was leaving today a parent came up to me. At the beginning of the year, before school started, I sent out a letter to my students telling them how much they mattered to me, and I hadn’t even met them yet. I told them how much I cared about them already and how together we were going to make this year the best year ever. Well today a parent told me that after doing #YouMatter day this Spring, her son came to her and said, “Mom, do you know why Mr. Nesloney matters to me?”…..he said, “he matters the most to me because he believed in me before I even set foot in his room. He knew I would succeed this year. He pushed me hard, and he believed in me before I even believed I could do it”. Wow. I sat there and just cried with the mom. You see this child was a child who has struggled for years in school. One who for the first time ever found success in a grade level. We hugged tightly. I will never forget that moment. That was a true reminder of the power of even the littlest things.
Then, today, I hugged my goodbyes to my fellow staff members, a lot of which have been there the entire ride with me. Lots more tears were shed today. I love the people I have worked with and will cherish those memories for a lifetime. That’s where I started my career. That’s where I grew.
I have so many fond memories that I could sit here and write out for days. There were struggles as well, as we all have, but I am choosing to remember the fond memories.
As I set out on my new position as Principal of Navasota Intermediate in Navasota, Texas, I am excited. Let me re-phrase that. I am ecstatic!!! I can’t wait to work with even more kids and also adults. I can’t wait to bring my ideas and energy to a new position and a new district and make many more great memories. Be on the lookout people….we’re gonna do amazing things out in Navasota!